Party Branch of Chengdu Medical Health Investment Group Co., Ltd. Organizes Staff Quality Development


In order to further enrich the life of the Party Branch of the Company and enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of the team, on October 26, Party Branch of Chengdu Medical Health Investment Group Co., Ltd. took advantage of the fixed party day every month to organize all party members and staff to participate in the 2018 staff quality development activity in autumn at Shuangliu outdoor development base.

At around 10 a.m., quality development activity-island crossing event with a theme of promoting the division and cooperation of the team began. In this activity, the cadres and staff of the Company was divided into three teams. The members of each team united with absolute sincerity and fought side by side, collaborated in completing team competition events (such as Island Crossing, Solitaire Game and Inspiration, etc) and selected excellent team separately. The development training not only enhanced the spirit of hard work of staff, but also increased mutual trust between staff, further stimulating the entrepreneurial passion of the cadres and staff of Chengdu Medical Health Investment Group Co., Ltd. to “gather heart toward one place, make efforts toward one place”.
