Chengdu Small Town Investment Co., Ltd. Organizes the “Sunshine Mentality” Training Activity


Recently, Chengdu Small Town Investment Co., Ltd. organized the “Sunshine Mentality” Training Activity at the Jiuli Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University, and all its employees participated in the activity. Combining with popular life examples and by means of lectures, questions, interactive games and psychological counseling, the activity vividly guided participants to cultivate good psychological quality through correctly understanding themselves, setting clear goals, maintaining an open mind and continuous learning, actively face all kinds of problems and difficulties that may arise in work and strive to create a “sunshine mentality” to improve work efficiency. The excellent sunshine mentality training activity benefited the Company’s employees a lot. When the activity was over, employees said that they would turn the training contents into practical actions, constantly enhance their psychological resilience and psychological adjustment abilities, reasonably release work pressure, enhance their dedication and teamwork spirits and devote themselves to work with a positive, healthy and sunny attitude so as to enjoy life in happy work and work hard in healthy life, promoting the development of the Company to a new level with their own strength.
